Streamline & optimize your workflow with LucidLink's Premiere Pro panel

Featuring Adobe & VERSUS

You are in good company

LucidLink’s panel integration within Premiere Pro enables creative editors to cache just the media needed in their edit directly within the Premiere Pro application, offering them a faster, more efficient, and seamless experience within Adobe Premiere Pro.

Join Adobe, creative production studio, Versus, and LucidLink as we showcase the benefits of using the LucidLink Panel for Premiere Pro to save time on the overall edit while successfully streamlining workflows. The integration into Premiere Pro has been a game-changer for teams out on the road and unable to transfer creative assets using conventional methods of transfer and download.

Key Features of the LucidLink Integration for Adobe Premiere Pro Include:

Proxy and High-Resolution Workflow Intelligence: Users can customize their cache settings for high-res, proxy, or both, facilitating a seamless offline-to-online editorial workflow without the need for downloading or duplicating extensive camera-original files.

Optimized Performance: A simple, one-touch adjustment optimizes Premiere Pro settings for peak performance.

Real-time Indication: The panel indicates when content is not in a LucidLink Filespace during the pinning or caching process.

Want to implement LucidLink in your creative workflow?