About LucidLink

LucidLink Wins Gold

April 2024

2 mins

The award

TechTarget and SearchStorage.com are publications we reference on a regular basis and respect highly for their reporting and opinions. It’s for that reason that we are particularly thrilled to have been named the top product in the 2019 Products of the Year for the category enterprise cloud solutions.

Honestly, we were just happy to be included among some of the products out there that we respect, and some, such as Scality, that we collaborate with regularly. There are hundreds of impressive products included in the consideration, and to be selected as the top of our category is truly an honor that we cherish.

Since the day we wrote the first line of code, we believed that advancements in cloud infrastructure, together with bandwidth and networking improvements, allowed for a completely new approach to how enterprises can utilize the cloud. Our simple message of replacing on-prem storage with LucidLink cloud storage to gain cloud economics while retaining the ease and performance of local NAS is resonating with our growing base of customers.

One judge said, “LucidLink’s filespaces approach improves on concepts of existing enterprise file sync and share and cloud NAS options. File sync and share creates too much opportunity for the wrong data to be on the wrong systems, and cloud NAS solutions have the potential to create too big of a bottleneck.”

We couldn’t agree more. The pioneers of the first wave of cloud storage didn’t have the technical advantages we benefit from today, and the opportunity to create a product from the ground up with this in mind allowed for a true evolution, rather than just a retooling of an existing product.

Advantages of LucidLink Cloud file platform 

Advantages of LucidLink Cloud File Platform 

Customers are implementing LucidLink in production scenarios that blur all the lines between on-prem and cloud—from providing a target to any backup software that writes directly to the cloud and immediately streaming virtual machine images for nearly instant recovery to creating an elastic cloud repository for surveillance footage, and even to teams collaborating on post-production in the M&E space.

The good news is that we are just getting started—keep an eye out for announcements in the next couple of weeks that build on the foundation we’ve built so far and extend where and how we deploy Filespaces.