About LucidLink

LucidLink’s commitment to helping during the coronavirus

April 2024

1 min

We understand that businesses and organizations have been completely caught off guard by this global pandemic. With millions of employees suddenly working from home, there are increased demands for seamless remote access technology. IT has been inundated with requests to support a whole new remote workforce. 

Whether you are already using LucidLink or are considering us to help you deliver remote data access during these uncertain times, know that LucidLink is here to ensure you remain up and running. 

Pricing cut in half 

As a company, we are mindful of our actions, and as this virus continues to spread around the globe, we look at how we can help in this time of uncertainty. To quickly respond to IT needs, as a result of COVID-19, we must take action now. This week LucidLink cut prices in half to accommodate the heightened need for remote access. 

Continued support

We’re committed to providing ongoing support, and continue to assess these changes as the situation evolves. We are here to help either through our online support documentation, online chat, or weekly live demos, every Thursday, available in two time zones. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. Stay healthy and safe.